Hobbies that Include Little Ones

One of the major challenges I’ve experienced since becoming a mother is finding activities that I can enjoy while still involving my little ones. If you’re like me, it can be challenging to find time to be alone. Moreover, as the kids get older, they will want more and more to be included in the daily activities being done around the house. I curated this list of fun ways you can start new hobbies alongside your kids.

Doing activities with your kids helps build a strong bond, supports their cognitive and emotional growth, and improves motor skills. It also boosts creativity, teaches social skills, and builds confidence. Plus, I have felt that it’s fun and creates lasting memories! While most of these hobbies are geared for engaging with children ages 4+, there is definitely leniency depending on what you feel your own child can handle. Activities with your 2 - 8 year olds will strengthen your bond, boost learning, spark creativity, and teach teamwork and sharing.

Some of these activities are hobbies I partake in with my 2 year-old!


When I was a child, my grandmother did embroidery and sewing with me. It’s a memory I have come to cherish over the years. With the right tools, you and your son or daughter will come to appreciate the beauty and practice of embroidered designs. Whatever it is, you’re child will have the opportunity to learn something new, and maybe, you till too!


I cook with my daughter at least once a day. This hobby has been absolutely vital to my own ability to engage my toddler while also still achieving my personal homemaking goals throughout the day. This hobby has since become less of a chore, and more of a bonding experience! I highly reccomend it to anyone who needs an activity to include their kids in.

"Frame the Fun" Photography Guide book


When my 2 year-old got her first little pink digital camera, her face was absolutely lit up with excitement. The kids guide to becomng a photographer is an amazing resource for parents and children alike. This book will help you direct your child’s interests in photography, and it may even steer them towards learning how to start a photography business!

Nature Exploration

Sometimes, as a new mom, I find myself getting cabin fever. One of the ways I have begun to combat this is to take my toddler out for a nature walk! I have enjoyed taking her out to the park, the porch, and the backyard, simply to see what she can spot outside. Its freeing for me and her, plus, it can be as engaging or peaceful as I would like it to be.

If, perhaps, your more interested in explorng nature with your child, I’ve included a link to a butterfly kit, so that you and your littles can love and learn about nature together!


If you are a mom who loves to journal, this is a great way to include your kids! There are lots of fun and engaging prompts inside the devotional doodle journal. It’s a perfect way for you and your son or daughter to make time for journaling together!

Learn about Raising Birds

I put this one last on the list because I know it’s the least accessible. If you aren’t quite in your own home yet, with your own yard, then you may not be able to check this one of the list.

While I do not have my own chickens, I have learned about them, for fun, with my daughter! We got connected with a friend who lives on a farm, and they allowed us to spend time with their birds twice a week for about 2 months. It was a fun learning experience for both of us!


Helping Mother’s Heal